Hello! I am a master’s student in CSE at Seoul National University. I am fortunate to be a member of Vision and Learning Lab. and research under the guidance of Prof. Gunhee Kim.

I am broadly interested in the fundamentals of deep learning - neural architectures, learning algorithms, and meta learning. The vision is to advance deep learning by being inspired by human brain and cognition. I currently focus on understanding and optimizing greedy learning for neural networks.

More information can be found on my CV & Google Scholar page.



  • SEDONA: Search for Decoupled Neural Networks toward Greedy Block-wise Learning
    Myeongjang Pyeon, Jihwan Moon, Taeyoung Hahn and Gunhee Kim
    ICLR 2021  [paper] [code] [slides]

  • IB-GAN: Disentangled Representation Learning with Information Bottleneck Generative Adversarial Networks
    Insu Jeon, Wonkwang Lee (KAIST), Myeongjang Pyeon and Gunhee Kim
    AAAI 2021  [paper]

  • Self-Routing Capsule Networks
    Taeyoung Hahn, Myeongjang Pyeon and Gunhee Kim
    NeurIPS 2019  [paper] [code] [poster]


  • The 27th Samsung Humantech Paper Award (2021)


Email: mjpyeon at vision.snu.ac.kr